Advisor’s Message

Advisor's Message

Education is not the end but the means. The end is development of Capabilities

As a strong foundation is crucial for a good building and these foundations make a critical difference to the strength, scope and scale of the actual building, similarly what we do with our children in early years in the school, sets the tone and the pace for what will be possible for them to achieve in future.

The thrust of our policy and practice is ‘schooling to Learning’

Here we consider the curriculum and text books as the means to achieve a bigger aim,

“The development of capabilities’. We wish our students to be able to realize their goals.

We are working on both hard and soft infrastructure in education because we know that if we could provide equitable opportunities to the children and could bridge the gap of techno infrastructure, at grass root level, including that of sports and other activities, we shall be contributing to the development of the society.

Let all of us, the stake holders- teachers, parents and peer marshal our human capital and resource in the form of our children towards the common goal of shared prosperity, while being patient and perseverant.

Dinesh Jindal

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